LeoNext Solutions for NGS Library Prep
Our wide NGS portfolio imparts unmatched sensitivity and reproducibility for all of your formidable sequencing applications—regardless of sample type or input amount.
Universal applicable for 100 pg - 1 ug of input DNA from many species including Humans, different plant species and many more.

LeoNext Universal RNA-seq Library Prep Kit for MGI®
Perfect Compatibility with Low Input of RNA from different species

Transposase- Based Ultra-Fast RNA–Seq Library Prep
Transposase based RNA Library construction Kit that specifically

LeoPrep DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina®
Time-Saving: Library prepared within 90 min.One-step enzymatic reaction

Leo-Prep RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina®
Ultra-fast RNA library prep within 2 hours. Minimal amount

LeoNext Universal RNA-Seq Library Prep Kit for Illumina®
The second strand cDNA synthesis, end-repair, and dA-Tailing are completed

LeoNext DNA Clean Beads
Applicable for DNA purification and size selection in NGS library preparation.