Cell Metric® CLD System
High throughput High Resolution Imaging tool to accelerate upstream cell line development
The Cell Metric® CLD is a high resolution high-throughput bench-top imaging system specifically designed to offer an alternative approach for ensuring cell line monoclonality and to speed up Cell Line Development (CLD). The Cell Metric® CLD system apart from its unique cell imaging and image analysis capabilities includes an integrated, temperature-controlled plate stacker. A batch of up to 10 lidded plates can be loaded manually into the stacker and the plates are automatically transferred for imaging one at a time with barcode reading. It is ideal for groups typically having throughput requirements from tens to hundreds of plates.
The Cell Metric® CLD uses non-invasive brightfield imaging for analysis of settled suspension or adherent cells. . This semi-automated image documentation can be used to prove and document mono-clonality in a regulatory compliant manner by providing a permanent record of evidence with photo documentation of cell growth and development from day 1.
Cell Metric imparts following advantages-
- High Brightfeild image resolution enables to very well segregatedpair of cells
- Automatic focusing ensures clear images
- High precision XYZ positioning system
- Uniform imaging upto the well edge
- High throughput in imaging a batch of 10plates at a time
- Temperature control
- A complete audit trail report with photo documentation of cell growth and cell development from day 1
The Cell Metric® CLD can now be purchased with fluorescence detection features that enable the user to validate a new a seeding method or quality check their existing method.
Instrument Specifications
Brightfield 2 µm per pixel images stored in TIFF format for a 96-well microplate, from <3 minutes for full scan Most cell culture vessels that fit in an SBS microplate format footprint (128 x 86 mm) can be imaged, including 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 384 and 1536-well plates. High-quality plates produce the best-quality images. Holds 10 lidded SBS-format microtitre plates (supports 37°C) Built-in barcode reader |
Hardware Specifications
650 mm x 465 mm x 500 mm/25.6” x 18.3" x 19.7" (Instrument only, excludes PC and monitor) 50 kg, 110 lbs Dell Precision™ workstation Intel® Xeon® processor 500 hard disk Microsoft Windows 7, 64-bit 24" flat screen monitor |
- Single cell cloning
- Colony growth monitoring
- Stable cell line generation, development and maintenance
- Colony counting
- Tissue engineering and stem cells
- Cell Metrics